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April 19, 2011


Missing bull semen package located

(Thanks to David Emery)


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Um, exactly how much is a "unit" of bull semen, and how much does the poor schlub get paid to count them?

And talk about a load of bull!

"...the package containing liquid nitrogen..."

A cold case file!

UPS...delivering and taking without calling!

But try to get them to Pay out if they do loose a

it's like trying to get a new bull semen sample
(Nonfrozen one) yourself!!!

I got your bull semen-
Right here!

Funny how that stuff seems to spend its entire existence in one kind of "package" or another. Well, the lucky ones, anyway.

"The township is about 140 miles northeast of Pittsburgh."

And they wanted you to know this why?

Pittsburghians are warned to keep their distance from Cowdersport today as it is insimination season. Citizens are warned not to drop the soap too close to the township.

There in 30 minutes or less... or it's free !

Thank goodness they found it. That is not the type of 'missing' picture you want to see on the milk carton next to your morning Corn Flakes.

Hey UPS Driver: Come Back!

Just ask the bull, he will be glad to tell you where the package of semen is located.

What if the UPS guy actually lost it and then spent the rest of the afternoon "replacing" it?

Look out for funny looking brown cows that only turn right.

I suppose there are worse things that could wind up on your porch in a burning paper bag on Halloween night.
No, I guess not.

The customer was already mad at UPS; that was the last straw.

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