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April 11, 2011


Today is International Louie Louie Day.

Me gotta go.

(Thanks to Matt Filar)


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A friend of mine and his daughter play at the mass "Louie Louie"-in in Washington (State).

If this does not get Gaddafi to step down, we don't know what will.

Oh baby.

Mo gotta go.

Funny, where do they come up with these special days anyway?

A WoodieWoodie
It's 6AM
Me gotta go.

Damn. I've got a lot of very, very important stuff I absolutely needed to do today. Now it's shot to hell. I just hope tomorrow doesn't turn out to be Joe Cocker Day or something equally important or my whole week will be gone.

on my top 5 list of great songs. the kingsmen never had another big hit.
but this one's an anthem. all i ever need is the first 5 notes to get me goin
me gotta go. to work!

"...unintelligible at any speed...."

More here.

How can you say that, queensbee? Ho Ho Ho.

Apparently, April 11 is also National 8-Track Tape Day.

Who cared knew?

White men dancing. Gotta love it.

Thanks for clearing that up, Ralph. It turns out I never knew the real lyrics.

That takes me back, probably to my seat on the Geezer Bus.
I can remember standing around a "record player" (ask your grandparents) with my friends, playing that 45 at top volume and arguing about the lyrics.
It has that in common with the Bible; you can read into it what you want to hear.
But the first musical phrase is a classic. Along with "Satisfaction" and "Born to be Wild", they are guaranteed to get your pulse going.
If there is to be music at my funeral, I want it to be those songs because, hell, I didn't want to go, anyway.

cute, jeffy.
and who yew callin HO?

Way down low!...

Oh baby!

Me gotta funk.

The funky version here

I have always worried about who Louie actually was and why all the people around him kept having to go. No I am not old just because I used to listen to that in high school on my 9 volt transistor radio.

A better version (?) here fearing Mr. Perry hisself, yo?

Just saying...

you mean mr berry, and i think this isnt the same group o people.
it doesnt matter. it is a great song.

Funny, I've been in Washington for some 17 years now, and this is the first time (as far as I remember!) that I have heard of this official holiday! :P

The night before their recording session, the band played a 90-minute version of the song during a gig at a local teen club.
Damn. Must've been a hell of a party.

OT-I had the good fortune to attend "Peter & the Starcatcher" this past weekend. Kudos to all who brought this amazing show to life.

Oh, that quote is from the Wiki link on the Kingsmen's recording that Ralph posted.

The BEST version is right here. You have to go out to about 6:30 to actually hear the song, but it is well worth the wait.

And here I thought the French royals had the rights to that song.

*dusts off various blog members, hands them their 8 tracks and points them towards the geezer bus* Jeff, turn off that turn signal right now!

I have a bus driver's license, can I drive the geezer bus? I seldom pass out more than once or twice a mile.

Watch it now. Watch it.

Dick Berry? Really?

Whoa-oh, whoa.

Uh, Cindy, 8 tracks came along well AFTER the song. Some people did have battery-powered turntables, but that was the exception.
I remember singing Louie Louie at a fraternity pledge night. All of us in a big circle, arms around each others' shoulders. Nothing homoerotic; it was the only way we could remain standing.
(I met my wife the next night because I was way too hungover to go out anyplace. So, I owe my marriage to Louie Louie and way too much booze).

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