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April 18, 2011


The Brazilian Bikini Wax For Men

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)


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um, no

Ain't enough tea in china or idiots in DC to get me to do that.

"What man in his right mind would do that to himself?"

I ask...what woman in her right mind would do that?? I see Dad's "um, no" and raise it to "oh, hell no".

If any blog guys are dying to try this, buy the kit at any drug store and I'm sure your wives or girlfriends will be happy to do it for you in the comfort of your own home. It only stings a little. Trust me. hehehe

Nice visuals for a Rick Astley video.

Double Hell, No, IndianaGirl. Maybe if this guy did it for a million bucks or a reality show I could understand it, or if he lost a bet or someone triple dog dared him.

I'd still have said no.

You're evil, cindy.

Men are wusses.

Women CHOSE to do this, PLUS give birth.


AND we can sustain the lives of our newborns with the secretions of our OWN BODIES!


Wouldn't this be more correctly named a BRO-zilian wax?

Dave should try this. It would make a great column.

It would make a hairless column, nursecindy. The guy who did it is a standup comic. I bet he did it for his act. Wait'll the hair starts to grow back, bwahaha...

Men are supposed to have hair you metro fool. Some of us grow more hair just for the hell of it because we're men and can. Can't grow it on top, grow it elsewhere. We need a pro-apeman lobby.


That was the sound of Brazilian Retractile Penis.

And, no, it is NOT coming back.


We're gonna need more wax!

NSFW for language.

40 Year Old Virgin behind the scenes

If this catches on, it will be like cross-country skiing. You will have to choose the wax according to the frigidity of the contact surface.

I'll bet if you offered beer and bazooms on the side, the guys would line up for it.

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