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April 20, 2011


Attempted robbery suspect says she was kidding

(Thanks to Bill Jones)


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Psycho. She was just Hinton. Didn't really mean it.

I'm sure the cops were amused.

Doesn't say whether she's still going to court or if the "cops looked the other way."

Bad reporting: a rampart sign of he times.

supposed to be "sign of the times."

I dropped my T. And as we all know from the Rutles,
T dropping is very popular among young folks.

Never joke about a crime or a woman's sexual abilities (or lack thereof). Either can get you shot.

I rob gas stations because that's where the money is.

Some people just can't take a joke.

Defense Lawyer to clerk: Did you ask her if she were joking ? Do you ever frequent the "Dave Barry Blog" website ?

Just kidding! Really.

(Ignore her - put the money in the sack)

Some robbers just don't understand the concept.

The joke is a lot funnier, really, if you drive by and shoot up the place with your Tommy gun. That one kept them rolling in the aisles during the 20's.

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