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April 25, 2011


Baby shower brawl leaves two with stab wounds

(Thanks to Chuck Cody)


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Ah, but if you checked the local take you'd have seen that - amazingly - alcohol appears to have been involved.

Baby's first blade. Precious.

See, another reason not to have the baby shower at Chuck E. Cheese's.

who grabbed whose booty?

(not in MY crib!)

Man, those Kennedys have really gone downhill.

what an exemplary family.

Meanwhile the baby announced that it has decided to be born in a different family

Stabbed in the shower? Bweep-bweep-bweep-bweep. Other than that, how was the party Mrs. Crane?

First of all, let me just say that this is no surprise to those of us who know that Lawrence Mass is the arpit of the buttcrack of America, and second - Angel Concepcion??? I very much doubt it.



Baby shower, or bris gone horribly wrong?

Bottles and knives? Firearms should be mandatory at baby showers.

This is exactly what happens when you serve a bunch of hungry women watercress sandwiches and those tiny little cups of punch.

Gotta say I vote for Nurse Cindy for best comment award. Wish I had thought of that. ha

From the news article: "Romero said he believes a second person was also stabbed in the melee. "
That's gotta hurt.

I remember a report of a fight in which a man was asked "Where were you stabbed?" he replied, "In the fracas."

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