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April 17, 2011


Unfortunately, our strict policy prohibits us from presenting the Jayhawk of the Week.

(Thanks to Chuck Cody)

Update: For the same reason, we are inable to present the Purchase Engineer of the Week.

Update: "Inable" is the hep new way to say "unable."


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that's fraaaahhhhhnkenstein.

Vanilla Dongs' Experience - Siemens Engineer.

Of course.

BTW - Didn't The Vanilla Dong Experience open for
Jefferson Airplane?

Actually, it's fraahnkenSHTEEN, des-tuh-NAY fraahnkenSHTEEN, to be precise.

Name change court sessions are hilarious. I highly recommend attending one soon. Dave could do a chapter on this phenom.

Slightly OT/

As a long time foster parent, let me just say that you would not believe the number of kids who come into care named Destiny, Hope, Faith or the new one - Nevaeh (Heaven spelled backwards). Either these are names popular with women who drink, or they know what a cruddy situation they're being born into and want to somehow reach out to the Universe for help.

Not disagreein' with your premise @ all, Punkin' ... tho I'd add the possibility of 'em merely wantin' a little exotic romance in their lives, or partial illiteracy (e.g.: the "legend" of how Oprah got her name as only one example) leadin' to the wide variety of "interesting" names ...

Either of these conditions could be encouraged by alcohol intake, however, so your point is quite valid as a speculative rationale ...

Sheesh - have a little respect for your children's future, people!

At least they didn't name the kid Monster.

Bravo Punkin! I would think being a Foster Parent would be one of the hardest, and most rewarding,thing anyone could take do. Hats off to you. When I started thinking about names for my kids I would yell the name out loud to see how it sounded. I have a very difficult, long, Dutch, last name. As a result my kids all have short, easy names. Scott,Jennifer, and Amy. It just seemed unfair to stick them with a fancy first name when I knew it would take them forever to learn to spell their last name.

Punky reasserts her goddess status, as if she has to. You go girl, there is nobody in the world that impresses me more than serial foster parents. One of the sweetest girls in my son's HS class is a foster/adoptee.

Destiny! Destiny! No escaping Destiny!!!

Destiny could be an okay name, I guess. It is easy to spell and say.

On the other hand, Vanilla is such a fine first name. Mom must have been on a Baskin's bender.

Yeah, Vanilla is terrible. Could be worse. At least it's not Pecan Ripple.

Wish I knew how to include links to pertinent information so I could direct everyone to the Johnny Cash classic "Boy Named Sue." Should be required listening for anyone wanting to use one of these off the wall names. Maybe the thought of your kid coming back and kicking the crap out of you as an adult would make people think a little more.

(Insert bassline from "Under Pressure" here)
Dong, Dong, baby!
Dong, Dong, baby!

Maybe that's the first thing she said when she saw her baby - "Das tiny!"

o/t but... Happy Birthday, Diva!!

No, it's not frank-en-STEEN, it's now

Char-lay SHEEN!!!

Presenting the new pop music group, DESTINY'S DONG


Both will be on Letterman and MTV this summer!

too much. I thought I read that it was around 400 pounds, but I'm not 100% sure.

Inable is like 'inalienable' I guess.

Let's see, if Shelly Long married Vanilla would she be Shelly Long-....nah, makes too much sense.

BTW, the police spokesperson of the week can be found here:


And did anyone notice the "other Vanilla Dongs", including a "VP at JP Morgan"? Wow, talk about a memorable business card..

I knew a woman who went by the name of Loma, all her life, because a life insurance agent could not read his own hand writing. He was supposed to have written down Norma. Once the policy was issued, the family decided to call her by the name on the policy--Loma. She was born at home with no doctor attending.

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