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April 19, 2011


At the Cedar Rapids advertising firm of ME&V, Mark Mathis is "director of cool." According to The Gazette of Cedar Rapids, Mathis' job is to manage "cool" by helping clients find new approaches.

(Thanks to Trent Whitney and Dan Fischer)


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Ooh! Ooh! I wanna be the CEO of Wicked Awesomness!!

We're passing laws to keep kids from having fun while trying to figure out ways adults can have more fun at work. Am I missing something?

What we need is several hundred new federal agencys named with the word 'cool' in the title. That way it woud be understood to be hip when they bloat up with tax dollars, set outrageous individual regulations for The Common Man and procede to take our tax dollars, put them in large piles and set them on fire. Todd Rundgren wrote a song about it.


"Cedar Rapids" and "cool." LMAO.... don't quit your corn job.

Old joke alert: The following joke is old.

How can you identify the head honcho?
He's the one with dirty knees.

You beat me Annie. Iowa - Land of Cool. Right up there with, Iowa - The state-of-the-art state.

You would not believe the remarks I used to get when I told people I was the 'Head Nurse' in the ER. Get your minds out of the gutter. It meant I was in charge.

Of course, the "cool" names aren't the only names they use:

Office Nerd


Dead weight



are but a few of the "cool" names they use in IOWA!

According to my husband, IOWA = Idiot Out Wandering Around. He's from Illinois, so it takes one to know one.

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