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April 17, 2011


Vancouver woman arrested in Clackamas on suspicion of taking hits from a whip cream canister while driving

(Thanks to Ralph)


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The mind simply boggles ...

I often take hits from the whipped cream canister. Then it runs out of whipped cream and I give it to this crazy lady I know from Clackamas.

Was it at least a hands-free canister?

I've done this, but it was another driver who crashed because he was watching me. Tsk, tsk, tsk...

If she was on her way to a kid's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese this is perfectly understandable.

What can you expect? It's Clackamas, Jake.

She really ought to switch to Cool-Whip.

I'm not clear on the concept. Is it that the calories in the whipped cream are super-calories that impair one's driving? Oh dear this is all way over my pay grade to understand.

In my younger days, I did this several times. But it never occurred to me that there was more in that can than Cool Whip.
I had low tastes in dessert.
Well, to be honest, I still do but not canned fake whipped cream.

The cans used to use nitrous oxide (NO2 aka laughing gas) as a propellant. Same stuff some dentists use, I think.
I thought they used something else now, but maybe not.

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