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April 17, 2011


As the bus passed, he said, about a half dozen elementary school students started screaming, with some covering their eyes. The bus driver in a rear view mirror noticed the woman's pants were down and her buttocks exposed.

(Thanks to Chuck Cody)


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Set her up on a date with the wheelchair guy. Film it and start a new FOX reality series featuring the criminally kookoo out on blind dates. Call it "Dysfunction Junction."

Disfunction Junction, what's your function?
Hookin' up kooks and givin' em luncheon.

Once while drivin' school bus, we wuz returnin' past a house where the kids had already been dropped off ... I saw the boys in the yard, and knowin' the family quite well, I gnu whut to expect ...

When the passengers (all girls @ that point on the route, rangin' in age frum 1st grade thru Jr. Hi) saw whut the boys wuz doin' (MOONIN' us, wadju think?), they all SCREAMED ... but I watched 'em in the mirror, and NONE of 'em "covered their eyes ...


Exactly, Punkin. They've exploited nearly everything else.

Moonings here in SoCal are a bit more organized.

This may be the only thing left Donald Trump hasn't tried in his neverending bid for attention.

"Roseman, a Melbourne resident who appears to have a scar on at least one of her cheeks ..."

Which set?

Does the writer of that article have a thing for "hot pink pants"? He sure mentioned them enough.

You notice both of these stories (her and wheelchair man) took place in Florida.

Jeff, I assumed that while reading the stories. Sad isn't it?

Bad moon rising. Did they draft the fashion columnist to write the crime report?

I gotta get one of those rear-view mirrors!

I usually complain about a lack of photo evidence with these stories but I think we should probably be grateful the face shot is the only one we got.

BTW, did our dear nursecindy survive the weather in the south today? I saw where there were over 60 tornadoes in Carolina alone.

Yah, she said all wuz OK @ her place (except for major rain) on another thread ...

Very true, JSG - what else would you expect to see in a 'rear'-view window?

How cheeky!

From the item:

The affidavit also didn't specify whether the "hot pink" pants were jeans, capris, dungarees, corduroys, Bermudas or some other style or type of pants or shorts.

Because knowing which kind of pants would help the reader understand what class of person we are talking about. Much can be forgiven of a woman who wears capris.

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