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April 19, 2011


Need a job? Local program handing out capes

(Thanks to KJP)


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And yet there are still a lot of people who believe that the budgets of our state and federal governments aren't chock full of idiotic spending programs just like this.

Are they all applying for jobs at Universal Studios??

Maybe it's edible?

Will trade cape for food.

It is easier to hide a gun under a cape. In case you had to rob a bank until that job came thru.

Sometimes I worry about Annie and the things she knows.

Don't worry, nc. I got yer back.

It's Florida, Dave. 'nuff said.

I suppose its better than handing out cups of purple cool-aid........

At my daughter's high school, a "Super Senior" is a 5th year senior... Maybe they should get capes also...

My grandson is following in my ancient footsteps. I used a towel and a safety pin as a cape in my day, as does he, now.
We both learned the hard way that this does not allow one to fly.

The tags on the capes probably say, "Hecho en China"...

Somebody didn't listen to Edna: "No capes!"

Wanna bet some boneheaded bureaucrat got a bonus for this?

You're looking hot, Annie. Send in more pictures anytime.

A few good bulls could weed out the applicants.

Is that head dumbass of the employment commission available yet? I have the cape to prove my credentials.

Hey, they are sending them wearing RED capes to Spain,
to "help" with the running of the bulls.

Who says government can't create jobs?

Only thing that surprises me about this is that it is not Texas. I love this state, but there are some people in charge (at every level) who missed role call on common sense day.

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