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April 20, 2011


I have 3 internets for sale.
These are the large kind.

(Thanks to WriterDude)


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Bummer. I need at least 4 to complete my plan for global domination.

Thanks, but I already bought a First Edition from Al Gore.

I thought the large ones were thirty feet wide.

How else is a trucker gonna drive thru?

By the way, about the fifteen foot one:

How many broads in that band?

He doesn't specify the color.
I'm looking for blue.

I once had an internet THIS WIDE (hold hands out to the side).

I only need one and a half internets. Do you think he'd split one for me?

Do you still have them? My two foot wide interwibble is on the blink. It's down to 18 inches and losing width fast.

Don't waste your money, it's just a series of tubes. You can buy those are Home Depot.

I've already upgraded-- guy sold me a cloud.

Don't need. I told my assistant to print out the Internet and leave it on my desk.

Teach a man to fish and he eats for a day... Teach a man to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks...

No wonder they're available -- as millions of files are being downloaded every minute, the net can become totally empty very soon.
Have you downloaded any files from the net recently? Please, upload them back!

One is fifteen feet wide.
The other two are 6 feet.

Sorry, I like my internets World Wide.

On a semi-related matter, I once tried to spell-check Internet on my c1992 word-processing program. It didn't like it (but then again, the spell checker didn't like Nicole, either).

I'm sorry, but that little kid down the street already came by selling internets and I bought four boxes of those coconut ones, whatever they're called.

oneblankspace - I also don't like Nicole.

Oops, I must have woke up in the alternate universe this morning? Isn't an internet a stocking women wear under their pant suits?

The listing is probably for ETHERNET cables. Close enough for craigslist, but reality is boring.

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