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April 19, 2011


Award-Winning Sculpture Created with Scotch Tape

(Thanks to CRBMed)


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The arms will eventually fall off over time due to their transparency.

It looks like the one on the left has had a few Royal Virility Performance IPAs and is having a hard time making room for the new few.

I thought the kids had just turned into butterflies.

I want to go on record that I find this amazing (as he looks at his scotch tape dispenser....)

Man! Employee theft of office supplies is about to blow sky high in our culture.

I agree with LeDud. This is amazing.

I agree that this is amazing.
My tape sticks to virtually everything except what it's supposed to.

Pretty cool!

Does the artist have any fingerprints left? If not, it's time for the ultimate CSI crime, don't you think?

I'm guessing they know something about William that whatsername probably oughta know. Royals might want to consider a paternity test on the next heir.

Blast. Posted my comment on the wrong one. Disregard. Move along. Nothing to see here.

Agreed. That's amazing!

Yes, very cool!

This is why I can never find my scotch tape when I need it!

The value of a 4 year art degree.

The Post Office doesn't offer free tape anymore. Perhaps this is the reason.

Imagine what the artist could accomplish if he ever got near duct tape.

Amazing!! it is really the work of a genius.

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