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April 21, 2011


France's riot police have complained about being "treated like children" following a new ban on drinking alcohol while on duty.

(Thanks to Steve @ Secet Location and Chris Elzi)


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Tout alors! The end of civization!

sacre Bleeeeh!

Their impending surrender is bluuuuuuurp! imminent.

"Sir, does this mean that we can now ignore the old ban?"

Riot police motto: "We give a kick from Champaign."

To be a French policeman is to suffer...

Inspector Clouseau: I ruin everything I touch.
Arrested twice, I destroy a phone booth at a railroad station... I steal from a nun, I dont know my own face. A man comes up to me with, with my own
face tied on, I dont recognize who it is. I dont... I dont deserve to have this autographed picture of Sean Connery! [takes a picture from back pocket and tears it apart]

25 cl is a pretty nice lunchtime snort - 1/3 of a bottle, or about 8-1/2 oz. Wonder how big the "small beer" is? For it to have an equivalent amount of alcohol, it would be 60 cl, or about 20 oz.

I think after that for lunch, I'd just want to take a nap and forget about rioting students.

I bet they're mean drunks. Mo better to do the job.

They are not being treated like children. In France, children can drink. They are being treated like Americans. Tant pis.

I've surrendered to the neighborhood bar many times.

French tradition is no match for 24 hour, invasive photo/videography and lawsuits.

Quel dommage!

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