The Charlie Sheen Jewish Name Generator
(Thanks to Shmuel Tennenhaus)
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The Charlie Sheen Jewish Name Generator
(Thanks to Shmuel Tennenhaus)
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eh - schmuck is a jewish name, as is putz, schtick dreck, and, momzer.
why would anyone want to attach a jewish name to him?
get him off the front pages!
Posted by: queensbee | March 08, 2011 at 09:39 AM
It is like watching a car accident. Once this pathetic creep falls, no one will care.
Posted by: Mikey | March 08, 2011 at 10:04 AM
Have I missed some connection between Charlie Sheen (not his real name) and Jewish names?
The difference between this guy and train wrecks is obvious: train wrecks are at least faintly interesting.
Posted by: Steve | March 08, 2011 at 10:14 AM
last i checked ole charlie was born carlos estevez. kinda not a jewish name.
Posted by: queensbee | March 08, 2011 at 10:45 AM
It's because he applied a jewish name to his non-jewish producer in his rant that got him fired.
Posted by: wiredog | March 08, 2011 at 11:11 AM
actually, his producer IS jewish. sigh. he changed his name.
he obviously had some kind of antisemitic rant or something.
i think he needs his father to smack him down or something.
Posted by: queensbee | March 08, 2011 at 11:24 AM
Don't anybody tell Dave but I'm trying to start a campaign for him to replace Charlie Sheen on 2 1/2 Men. I think he would be great! As for Charlie Sheen that large sucking sound he probably hears is his career going down the toilet. I read his termination letter from CBS and evidently this behavior has been going on for some time. During some of his scenes they had to place him close to furniture so he could lean on it in order to not fall down. The drinking and drugs are bad enough. He lost me when he started abusing women. Never funny.
Posted by: nursecindy | March 08, 2011 at 12:23 PM
Sarah Baum here
Posted by: Coconuts | March 08, 2011 at 12:31 PM
I'm confused - is cocaine Kosher now?
Posted by: MartiniShark | March 08, 2011 at 12:32 PM
It gave me the name Monica Lewinsky.
Posted by: nursecindy | March 08, 2011 at 01:05 PM
Natalie Portman here...could be worse. Another version of my name gave me Babs Streisand.
Posted by: Siouxie, The Spiksa | March 08, 2011 at 01:23 PM
It just randomly chooses names. I don't think the input does anything.
Posted by: Elon | March 08, 2011 at 01:57 PM
um, question siouxie - you meant SHIKSA, right? Spiksa isnt a yiddish word. Shiksa, on the other hand, means 'non-jewish woman'.
and i agree cindy - and he tanked a very funny program all by hisself. my fave character - holland taylor, who plays his mother.
who is charlie's mother anyway - i dont think its the woman that martin sheen is married to these days.
not sure charlie can save himself. too bad. he was very good.
and he has all those children!
he needs help, or he will surely be, well, .. you get the pittchah.
Posted by: queensbee | March 08, 2011 at 02:09 PM
Benjamin Loxspread here.
Posted by: Wolfsong | March 08, 2011 at 02:12 PM
Oscar Meyer Shnitzelman? Seriously?
Posted by: djtonyb | March 08, 2011 at 02:29 PM
i just googled him, turns out charlie's mother is someone named templeton, martin's first wife - and she was actually jewish. so he's all mixed up and a mess. i'd like to feel sorry for him. but, nah.
Posted by: queensbee | March 08, 2011 at 02:29 PM
queenie, I have a very good friend who is Jewish and he's always called me his "Spiksa" cuz I'm Cuban ;)
Posted by: Siouxie, The Spiksa | March 08, 2011 at 02:40 PM
Technically, yes I would also be a Shiksa. Know any nice Jewish men??
I also love Charlie's mom. She's hysterical in everything she does.
Posted by: Siouxie | March 08, 2011 at 02:43 PM
*snorking* @ tony "Oscar Meyer Shnitzelman"
Posted by: Siouxie | March 08, 2011 at 02:48 PM
I like Berta, the maid, and Charlies mom on the show. Give those characters more screen time and I think the show will do fine.
Posted by: nursecindy | March 08, 2011 at 02:49 PM
cindy, I love Berta too!
Posted by: Siouxie | March 08, 2011 at 03:15 PM
Berta always gets the best lines... I sometimes wonder how some of that stuff makes it past the censors!
Posted by: djtonyb | March 08, 2011 at 03:34 PM
i agree about mamma and berta, and now i get the spiksa name, and no, i dont date jewish men! its difficult to get them away from their mommies. my guy is eyetalian.
you realize i'm in albany new york --- you wouldnt wanna leave sunny miami for this frozen tundra, woudya? even for a haimishe (nice) jewish boy?
Posted by: queensbee | March 08, 2011 at 03:52 PM
I got Miluv Bar Refaeli, but I would prefer you pronounced it *My Love*.
And *snork* @ "spiksa"!
Being of the brown persuasion myself - that totally speaks to me !
Ooooooh - sorry about Oscar Meyer Schnitzelman, Tony, but privately lollering. ;-)
Posted by: Telecomdropout | March 08, 2011 at 05:50 PM
Um, Bar Refaeli is the name of a swimsuit model . . . ummmm, according to that Wikipedia type website. Yea, not on the tip of my mind at all. . .
Posted by: MartiniShark | March 08, 2011 at 07:34 PM
Robert Zimmerman = Bob Dylan. Cool. Then Schmeli Katz came up.
Posted by: Loudmouth | March 08, 2011 at 08:21 PM
Chaim Levine?
No, honestly, I'm fine. Howard Yu?
Posted by: PirateBoy | March 09, 2011 at 12:35 AM