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March 27, 2011


Dad wants this.

(Thanks to B'game)


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Tanks for the memories.

Website includes the most ridiculous question of all time "Who would want to drive a tank?". Anyone with a Y chromosome and a pulse. Not too thrilled about the drivers ed teacher riding with me though.

Parallel parking made easy

If my kids gave me this, I'd merely say "Tank you very muchly!"

Been there. Done that. Have the T shirt. Have also driven wheeled and tracked APCs, including M113 and Bradley. Also fired all of their weapons systems. Biggest thrill was probably commanding a tank squadron attack in training. Being in the army was play time all the time. ;D

The cologne or a tie is safer.

Didn't Michael Dukakis do this?

There's an alternative.

There are a lot of tanks for sale on the secondary market that are reasonably priced. The shipping cost adds up, but it might pay for itself when you show up to a homeowner association meeting with a T-55

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