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March 06, 2011


Opening night is this week.


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Some NY friends saw it in previews and loved it - and so did the full-house audience, they said. Being "intentionally devoid of bells and whistles and flying mechanisms" is the play's charm, and Christian Borle is an absolute hoot. (When I saw it/loved it in La Jolla I told him afterwards that I thought he was going places. I had no idea he already had a Tony nomination, and several others, under his belt. I'm such a dork.)

Q: Who winds the clock in the crocodile's belly?
A: A stage hand!

"How far off-Broadway -- Addis Ababa?"

Sorry, couldn't resist an obscure Pogo joke...

Break a hook!

Best of luck to the cast. I would love to see this so if they ever want to go even further Off-Broadway may I suggest Charlotte??

Haven't had much chance at all to be here lately, but I'd like to know what other bloglits might be interested in getting together to see P & tS sometime soon, and perhaps meet up beforehand for unhealthy food and destructive beverages. I plan to bring my 12-yr. old Daughter the Blue again on this occasion.

Shoot me an email at [email protected], if at all interested.

*Waves to Bloglit pals*

Woo hoo!

We get a free ticket for every 10 blog posts, right?

Anyway, congrats on beating Arachno-Boy to the starting line.

That's great. Good Luck.

I'm 10 and dying to see this play- the starcatcher books are my favorites- I wonder if they will let me be an usher because I can't afford $45- I'm a kid!!!
I was really surprised to see that it became a play. The director did Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson and because I love crazy history, I loved that- but that I saw because my mom and I won tickets in the street lottery. Boogers Are My Beat by Dave Barry made me laugh so much- it was hilarious and I really couldn't put it down. Alec

It's nice to see the Alec's parents are raising him right.

Yes, boogers will always be a major part of Alec's life, just as they always have been for (*sniff*) me. You go guy!

"It's nice to see the Alec's parents are raising him right."

Just the fact the they let him read and post on this blog will someday be used against them in a court of law.


I guess I'll have to catch it when it comes to Miami.

Have a great RUN!

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