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March 27, 2011


The Fairfax County police on Tuesday arrested a man named Kevin Lee Cokayne and charged him with dealing drugs.

(Thanks to Chuck Cody)


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What other career choice did he have?

Maybe he wasn't selling, just introducing himself, like James Bond.

Clearly a victim of police profiling.

Even his shirt has white lines. Only a mother would buy a shirt like that, and it would have to be on sale. What until she finds out what her son's been using her basement for.

life does imitate art.

I often wonder if I had been named Bob Killeveryworm instead of my real name Bernie Chickstud.


Two thots spring forth frum the dark crevasses (crevassi?) of my mind ...

"A rose, by any other name ... "


"A piano is a piano is a piano" - Gertrude Steinway

As the arresting officer undoubtedly would say, the street value of that much Cokayne would run into the millions of dollars.

His wife, Mary Jane, was not at home during the time of the search.

Heaven help him if his name had been Kevin Lee Doughnut.

Mary Jane don't make me crazy,
Cocayne excuse is lazy.
Ain't no cop's business but my own.

Drivin' that train...

she don't lie, she don't lie, she don't lie...

Well, his daddy did tell him to live up to the family name.

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