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March 07, 2011


We set out on a sea voyage from Fort Lauderdale, knowing that it would be five days, and roughly 153 meals (included), before we would reach our destination: Fort Lauderdale.

(This classic column was suggested by MOTW.)


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Dave claims to have an eel in his undies. And they say chivalry is dead.

I keep reading the old stuff and thinking "I shouldn't think this is as funny as I think it is". It's time to just give up and laugh. And point.

This column reminded me of the Bimini essay. I don't know whether that appeared in the paper; I read it in one of Dave's books.

Those piano bar guys have the darkest senses of humor. My parents took a cruise through a hurricane once (no, really), and in the middle of the action the piano player decided it was the perfect time to play the theme from The Poseidon Adventure.

yes, Just Some Guy, it was in the paper; it was a cover story for Tropic, I think. And it MAY be posted on the "Stuff" page at davebarry.com; I have a friend who loves that column so I think I posted it there.

hmmm. it's not there. but i could post it as a vintage column if you want to email me at the blog address and suggest it!

Another case of Shameless Self Promotion

... but we like it!

I once represented some folks suing Whorewegian Cruise Lines, for deciding it would be a good idea to take a boatload of passengers through the middle of Hurricane Eduardo, instead of incurring more dockage and wharfage fees in the comfort of New York harbor.

We were going for class action certification, since the passengers were, literally, all in the same boat.

Remember Y2K? When all the electricity was supposed to go out and the computers were to blindly attack us?
My older daughter went out on a cruise boat out of Daytona that New Years Eve.
She reported that half the passengers went to the west side of the boat at midnight to watch the lights of Daytona go out forever.
The other half were terrified that without electricity, the boat would sink.
I believe there was a lot of drinking going on.

Gawd, I laughed until I nearly choked reading Dave's column.

Apparently we were on the same cruise.

I seem to recall someone with "the haircut" but cannot be sure.

Is that an eel in your pocket, or is it just happy sashimi?


Breaking News! Charlie Sheen has been fired. Dave, this is your chance to break into big time TV!!

Yep, we took that cruise a few years back, too. And we tried the shrimp scampi. Which, oddly enough, means "shrimp shrimp". And more shrimp. And oh look, prime rib!


"Really? I have an eel, too!"

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