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February 25, 2011


Along Lake Susan and Chanhassen Hills drives, residents learned that something was terribly wrong in their homes Wednesday night when a geyser of sewage began spewing from toilets on the lower levels.

(Thanks to Chuck Cody, who saw Geyser of Sewage open for Motorhead)


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It is sometimes TRULY true that "s--t happens"!

Hard to laugh at that one.

I'm not going to tell my son about this one. His band might end up renamed Geysers of S**t.

I would also see this as a sign it is time to move.

The (so-called) Amityville Horror house is available again, I understand.

Ugh....I'd almost rather have snakes in the house. Or lawyers...ok, maybe not lawyers....

I recall something similar happened in Pasadena, CA a few years back. Some of the homes affected ended up being condemned because they could never be cleaned to the satisfaction of the Health Department.

Yeah, I'd rather have snakes.

There's an app for that.

Watch it, Annie. I know where you blog.

How heart breaking.

Talk about being knee deep in sh!t.

I think I would just burn the house down and move.

Aftermath of a political rally?

Good grief. All humour aside, I think I would be inclined to just leave the house, for good. Those poor people.

Sorta lends a sumwhut more appropriate connotation to the "Minnepoopolis" moniker, eh?

The color scheme of that room is just all wrong; pink, blue and brown??? I think not. And what is THAT smudge on her forehead? YIKES! And why does she look so calm? Has she no clothes pins?

It's one thing if your own toilet backs up and it's YOUR p00p, but if the whole neighborhood's p00p ends up in your basement.......oh, perish the thought. Those poor poople people!

I would still move. I get upset when my water pressure drops. Something like this would probably kill me. Has Uncle Dave forgotten about us today?

Mebbe he volunteer to help the cleanup in Chanhassen ...

Back when we rented our Florida place out, some renters worked all day one Friday keeping the sewage from flooding the place. They thought the wife had flushed something she shouldn't have.
It was really a simultaneous failure of several lift stations.
Our renters saved us while carpets all around were ruined.
We gave them most of their rent back for that period.

Wonder if the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre is also filled with poop.

Lots of lawyers, I mean PROBLEMS, in Minnesota. Just wait til the snow melts. Record year again..

If only that got rid of the lawyers and Beurocrats!(Sp is wrong)I could go back there and live in Peace.

That settles it. Congress needs to meet in this house.

EB ... seems IIRC that the C. Dinner Theatre is kinda on an area of higher ground (been a LONG time since I wuz there, or Dudley Riggs' ETC or The Guthrie, also), but then sewer backups don't always respect the laws of gravity when a main line breaks ... but I'd guess it's prolly OK, not a residential area as much as described, is my guess ...

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