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February 28, 2011


It is possible to make a snowman out of hail, said Stuart Seto, a weather specialist with the service's Oxnard office.

(Thanks to Annie Where-but-here)


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Hail, snow.....whatever. Just blame it on Al Gore.

Why do I have to suppress a giggle when I read Oxnard?

But if a snowman is made out of something other than snow, does he not then cease to be a snowman?

the ice man cometh?

Mr. Telecom calls the place, "Nards of an Ox", whenever we go there. Probably the same reason you get the giggles, Mitch.


My late aunt and uncle lived in Visalia. When we would drive up the coast from Oceanside back in the early '70s I always giggled a little, inwardly, when I saw the Oxnard exit. At the time, I thought it best not to tip my parents off to my occasionally embarassing sense of humor.

Whoa - that was a DRIVE back then !! Mr. Telecom's cousin lives in Port Hueneme*, and we are often up there for whale watching, kayaking, and other pleasant diversions. Oxnard always made me giggle as well - your parents probably knew you thought it was amusing - heck, THEY probably thought it was funny - but didn't want you to know they knew !

*pronounced why-nee-mee.

That depends on whose ox is being narded.

Oxnard city meetings sometimes bring up the point that their city name is fugly. They discuss what they can do about it. Big verbal scuffle, but they never change it. I wish they'd do what every other Cali town does to prettify their name - just call it "Rancho Oxnard."

Tele - Port Hueneme is often pronounced "Pork My Weinie." Now you really have something to laugh about.

I sent this in because personally I found it hilarious that locals would not recognize snow when it literally hit them in the face. It's snow! It's hail! It's wintry mix! It's graupel! WTFBBQ???? Buncha tropical kookoos.

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