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February 18, 2011


24 -- The Fragrance

(Thanks to The Amazing Steve)


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What - no gunpowder? Gotta put the 'frag' in 'fragrance.'

With just a whiff of cordite and an insouciant nose of nerve gas, perhaps CTU Season 5?...

We miss you, Edgar.

Don't spray it on your thigh.

"Opens with emotions of vibrancy and dynamism . . . while at its heart, lie expressions of self assurance and masculinity . . .."

Who writes this stuff?!

Maybe the same people who do reviews of contemporary "art".


whale vomit. dead squid parts.

obviously this stuff is written by wine snobs, 'nuances of toast' and such. tsk tsk.

Good Stuff ! Don't use it on your thigh...cordite...frag. I'm still laughing.

Nothing connotes masculinity than odors of mandarin orange and cedarwood...

C4 by Chanel. Gives you that new clear feeling.

Dammit - there's no thyme!

*snork* @ Annie!

Personally, I like Old Spice Napalm in the morning.

After the first 8 hours, it gets a little boring and predictable.

Give that ad writer a PhD.

*snork* @ AWbh.

ONE fragrance for ALL of 24?

Boy, the power of adverteasing...(deliberately sic)

I would think 24 fragrances for 24...

Would include...

A whiff of Edgar/Gas

Fresh gunfire

Explosions ala mode

Jack's Back (the no-shower mode)

Chloe's OnBoard (memory chip mist)

FAther NoseBoozest

Terrorist Tauline

Audrey Rose (the scent of death)

Pine Solved

Engine Burn

...just to name a few..

What number scent is it when you've been rolling around in the compost pile ?

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