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February 28, 2011


Colon polyp will pop up in VUMC eatery March 1

(Thanks to Michael Stabin)


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If they get Goat Bagpipes they can have a nice little lunchtime concert.

Breaking medical highlights HERE!

" The researcher is donning a bright red outfit, complete with a scarlet wig...."

It sounds more like a semi-colon.

I live in Nashville. If the blog sees fit, I can make a reservation, take pictures, and report back on the event.

When will these brilliant idiots learn? We don't want to eat lunch with a polyp, or a tumor, or a cyst, or a bunion, or an inflamed liver mascot.

I visited someone who had framed stills from his colonoscopy hanging on the wall. Unlike many, I recognized them for what they were.
He said he paid enough for them so, by god, he was going to use them.
Wonderful diet aid.

Too words that do not go together:

colon and lunch?

I'll wager that the VUMC Courtyard Cafe sales will be
down on March 1.

Small gift treats? Like a dollop of polyp?

Colon Polyp is decidely *not* a good name for a rock band.

I think Sharon Lurie is very brave to agree to eat there and take pictures. I also agree the lunch crowd at that place will be practically non-existent.

The Colon Polyps? Didn't they open for The Rolling Gall Stones?

I am Sharon Lurie, aka "The Minx." (I've not yet mastered this Type Pad thing.) Okay. It's a deal. I will go tomorrow and report my findings, nor shall I leave until the colon polyp agrees to answer some very tough questions.

VU Medical Center is known for some pretty advanced ideas.

In this instance, not so much.

Wasn't he Sec. of State ?

That was Colon Bowel, clankie.

Will he be dancing? I'm not going if there's no dancing. Maybe to a Polypso beat?

Take polyposcopy images, Sharon.

Sharon - ask him, "Polyp want a cracker?"

I've never interviewed a polyp before. Are there any other questions the blog would like me to ask?

I saw them open for Kiss in Houston. They kicked ass.

Polyp, polyp, fizz, fizz,
oh, what a relief it is . . .

I'm not sure what questions to ask a polyp, Sharon. However, I would stay away from the red meat while interviewing it.

I recently had my first colonoscopy. When it was over, I was given the results, along with picture of my Cecum, which I thought was very odd. Was it to prove he made it all the way to the other end? As far as I knew, it could have been a picture of someone else’s… That is one picture I did not frame.

And the author of the press release is Duveen Sturgeon. Sturgeon on surgeons.

Full disclosure: I am the communications director for the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center. You know you work in cancer PR when you send a text: Yes, I have my Flip cam, what time will the Polyp be there? This comment thread is a riot. Believe me, we make a lot of jokes too. And we don't mind being the butt of the jokes -- get it? -- so long as some of you leave this thread now knowing that colon cancer is one of the most preventable types of cancer if caught at its earliest stage -- the long maligned Polyp.

We'll share pics soon.

Thanks Cynthia. We bloggers like to kid around here but we are all fully behind Dave and his colon CA prevention/getyercolonoscopyanddon'tbeawimp campaign.

I'm back to end the suspense with my interview with The Angry Polyp. http://youtu.be/DvUDCyKOzz8

And there's still time to book a flight to Music City USA - the Tennessee Cancer Control Coalition will host the Super Colon at our Farmer's Market at the end of the month! Details under the Events link at www.facebook.com/vanderbiltingram

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