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January 31, 2011


Lakeland calls in chicken chaser team to rid the city of feral fowls

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)


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There has been a movement in St. Augustine Beach to legalize back-yard chicken coops. The advocates say that these chickens are better tasting and good for you.
They say, "What could go wrong?"
For one, my wife does not like getting up at the crack of dawn. About the third morning, she would catch that rooster, wring his neck.
And then she'd go after the owner.
You wouldn't like her when she's cranky.

Squeal Deal & the Chicken Chasers WBAGNFA country band or a Pauly Shore movie.

Didn't Squeal Deal Animal Control raid Charlie Sheen's last party?

Feral Chickens would also BAGNFARB

Made me think of a restaurant we saw in Nova Scotia called "Lick a Chick." Draw your own conclusions.

Two solutions:

biscuits and gravy

feral cats

"...others may be donated... so they can be used for food."

Beware: chicken chasing leads to chicken choking for charity. Check the chop suey on the china.

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