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January 27, 2011


Professor charged with peeing on colleague's door

(Thanks to  Jay Brandes)


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Sayre's Law run amok.

Security cameras are fun. Get some. Watch tweleve online security cams when I'm not watching 'In The Bedroom with Dr. Laura Berman' is a blast. The security systems provide better insight into the business end of anything found in a parking that can be used as an inhibitor than Dr. Berman's lame show does. Look for some of better soft stuff on It only hurts when I laugh. my footage of a '69 El Camino SS bumper jack is hung up in editing.

My first thought also Wiredog. Next time maybe he should just knock.

Men don't mature. And if people think we do, pi$$ on 'em.

manual tomato:
Speaking of security camera watching...

Now we know what the P in PhD stands for.

Tenurine is gonna be a lot harder to get now.

Prof. Petrov is obviously quite the math whiz.

officials are divided on whether or not to subtract him from the staff...they'll need to take a wide stance in solving this problem

He'd better switch from math to Euro Peeing Studies.

the men were at odds, & he wanted to get even... butt what he did was mean & irrational

(least he didn't do #2)


UC Northridge has many famous math alumni. Three of them are Paula Abdul and Eva Mendes.


most blog guys would count them as

'4': ( . )( . )( . )( . )

Let's see... height of the door knob, check. Distance from door, check. Internal pressure, check. Now just plug in t = (v − vi)/g...

It's not the meat, it's the stupidity.

Windage and elevation, Mrs.Langdon. Windage and elevation.

That door really tied the room together..

Erudite and sophisticated. I tinkle, therefore I am.

Mebbe the other prof demanded he pee ... ?

It would have to be one of the math professors, wouldn't it?

The German word for that kind of guy is " Lehrerpissendurcher ".

You mean marking your territory is a crime now? Just what's left that is ok for a guy to do anymore?

So the staff dude that collared him said, "Professor, urine real trouble now!"

Wait till he finds the logarithm he left in his briefcase!

In retrospect, Petrov had been acting strangely as of late and probably could have been stopped had anyone paid attention to the sines..

He could have a-voided the camera by finding the right angle.

Something is rotten in Northridge - one of their dorks has sprung a leak.


That would make 'hD', 'his Door'.

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