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January 28, 2011


Furious driver who failed to remove wheel clamp with axe set fire to his car, court told

(Thanks to Chuck Cody)


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So? I'd set my house on fire if the spider was icky enough.

The British must be getting better at English, as there was so much in the article that I almost understood. It was almost like listening to the women in the family talk among themselves. There are words in there I've heard before but they don't make much sense in this context.
Oh, Punkin, spiders are not icky. Most are fastidious about cleanliness.

After all that he still wasn't able to set the car on fire? Maybe if he'd breathed on it.

... and what about the 20 outstanding tickets? Anything done about them?

... poor reporting.

BFF, you'd also set your house on fire to melt down all the lovely snow you've been getting.

He said, "My brain ended up being an idiot". cool now I know who to blame when I do dumb stuff. My brain is at fault, not me.

"the Metro, worth £120". The unpaid fines were probably a heck of a lot more than that. Sounds like he made the right decision.

It mentions that his girlfriend left the scene after pleading with him to stop. I think they meant ex girlfriend.

That Metro is overpriced, IMHO ...

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