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January 21, 2011


Kiefer Sutherland Optimistic About ’24′ Movie: “We Start Shooting Hopefully By Next December or January’

(Thanks to Martini Shark)


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Kiefer had better be careful with comments like that, in the current hypersensitive political comment.

At least he didn't use the forbidden word "crosshairs..."

Thigh shots?

bon, knowing Kiefer...probably tekillya shots.

*wonders who got to debrief kiefer*

*cue Steve*

You mean like this, sandy?

Funny, we were watching the Hawaii Five-O with Edgar the other day and someone said something about a perimeter and we immediately yelled out, "Drink!"

Somehow I think I'd be in big trouble if I brought in a laptop to the theater to live blog the movie...

I think we ought to live blog Hawaii Five - O.

We can all drink at "houli" (sp?).

"Live" blogging taped shows discriminates against the left coast. Since we won the rudeness contest, you are not allowed to play without us.

We will only live blog sporting advertising events such as the Superbowl.

A haole is someone who wouldn't dare do this.

Bollywood. The only way.

I miss the 24 blogging. I've asked my wife to rip apart some lamp wires and start shocking me, but she has refused. Does that make her a sadist ?

If you had a 24 movie, how long would it be? If it goes, say 3 hours will their be 7 more of them?

delete "their" and insert "there"

I confess I never got into "24".
My attention span isn't that..oh, look! A squirrel!

He should take on Hitler in a sci-fi version lol where he goes back in time. Hehe, like this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuF4-7KXPkI

Comment if you likey... :-]

Haha take on Hitler lol, loving it. I didn't like 24 either but I was soon hooked.

Bin Laden Dead! Rumor has it he suffered multiple thigh shots. Just sayin'...

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