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December 17, 2010


Peter and the Starcatchers, the first book Ridley Pearson and I wrote in our Starcatchers series, has been adapted by Rick Elice (he wrote Jersey Boys) as a play, which will be performed at the New York Theatre Workshop starting March 9. The play name has been modified slightly to Peter and the Starcatcher, apparently to avoid the steep New York City tax on plurals. Ridley and I saw the play in workshop form out in La Jolla, California, and we loved it. From time to time I'll post updates about it here; there's also (it goes without saying) a Facebook page.


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When's the movie coming out?

Time to get a nice blue tuxedo for the Tony Awards.

Dave wrote a book?

This will be just a warm-up for Dave's full-out Broadway production Boogers On Broadway!

Oooh! A real play! Like Spiderman!

You should write a book about the entertainment industrial complex.

hooray! dave (better be) 'll be coming to new york!

But will it have the same la Jollaity?

what? angelina's in it? please say it ain't so...

For luck, Walter should make a cameo appearance. Like Hitchcock, only oosiky.

Great Dave.

Great news! Who is playing us bloggers on Broadway?

DAve, will you and Ridley be coming to sign programs and mingle with blog nuts your adoring fans?

Broadway, NY, or Broadway, Ohio?

Is this like Rocky Horror? Can we throw things?

Good idea, Punkin. Every time someone in the play says "Peter," we could raise our trademarked Walter collectible oosiks.

YAY!! Congrats!

Cindy, the role of "The Dave Barry bloggers" will be played by Edgar.

I hear that Johnny Depp will play Captain Hook, saving the producers TENS of $'s in costume costs.

Who's doing the nude scene?

Michael Bloomberg.

Music by Barry "BM" Manilow?

How long before Dave & Ridley are skipping down 42nd St., arm in arm, singing show tunes and causing us to get really worried about them? NTTAWWT.

For Siouxie: The only NY play with a drinking game.

Can we bring our vuvuzelas?

Oh right, this is for the kids..... Dang.

Any plans for LA?

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