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December 29, 2010


Skinny jeans, adult films, human excrement sell 'like hot cakes' in North Korea

(Thanks to Matt Filar)


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Pa-jeon is popular, although I hope the cook cleans the scallions well.

Skinny jeans were banned? What a Party pooper.

If you ate food grown in human doodoo, your jeans would be skinny, too.

Well, what else would you expect of reports from defecto... Oh, never mind...

My sister once said our Daddy would buy sh!t if it came from a yard sale.
He didn't deny it.
I didn't know he was Korean.

Now this one I did send.

But you knew that, right?

With the food shortages in Mental Li Il-land the hot cakes are probably excrement.

With food shortages, skinny jeans are logical.

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