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December 31, 2010


Solon police say after 33-year-old William Liston, of Aurora, was arrested for operating a vehicle under the influence, he told the officer quote, "Ozzy Osbourne and his music made me do it."

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson, Mark Schlesinger and padraig)


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When asked to comment, Osbourne said, "'E's got no bloody burfin blargle argle blumfum..."

Pad - if you listen to him backwards, he makes sense more-ish. Because you are not facing him. Somewhat.

*switches to decaf*

*snork* @ pad!

I Am in Irons, Man!

It's the Twisted Twinkie defense.

If I remember correctly the guy with the Twinkie defense got off his charge...but that was in SF, CA...

In ND, drunk while offending = convicted.

It really wasn't Ozzy. It was the Budweiser and Tabasco.

Budweiser and Tabasco. Sounds like a real blast, but from which end?

Buddy Mary - Bud & Tabasco.


Annie, Ozzie doesn't make any sense to me no matter which way I'm facing.

The Ozzie Osborne show seems like it should be one of the best "Stay off drugs" show ever.

I tried the Rolling Stones defense, but apparently having Mick and Keith for role models won't hold up in court for justifiable inebriation.

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