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October 27, 2010


Primary school teacher uses kisses, snot to punish students

(Thanks to John Grant and Joe in Japan)


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Maybe it is a case of bad sampling, but there have been several odd teaching methods highlighted from Japan.

Maybe we aren't doing such a bad job after all.

What'll he do if a kid prefers snot to kisses?

so, are they saying that snot a good reward/punishment system?

Random Snot?

'they think it's candy, but...'

(amazing how the ancient brain gets boomeranged back to third grade)

'A teacher is in hot water with parents and the local school board...'

Confucius say 'No Craps in Jacuzzi'

Whatever happened to the good old days of rulers across the knuckles?

What about cooties?


I think "complacent" means something entirely different in Japan.

His technique with older students involves french kissing and vomitting.

Isn't this the same country that stages giant pee nice (sic) parades I've seen featured in this blog?

~When you think its butter, but its snot...~

Nah, I got nuthin.

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