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August 09, 2010


Because the female bedbug has no genital opening, the male inseminates her by using his hardened, sharpened genitalia to punch a hole through her abdomen. With no elaborate courtship ritual, males in a frenzied pursuit of sexual congress often blunder into and puncture the bodies of other males, occasionally inflicting fatal wounds.

(Thanks to Jenny Kellner)


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And bedbugs are still around?

Another process designed by the Government Nature Committee.

males in a frenzied pursuit of sexual congress often blunder into and puncture the bodies of other males, occasionally inflicting fatal wounds.

Oops, sorry, my bad.

Sounds like closing time at most Irish pubs.

gross, ewww yuck


Just wait until NOW hears about this...

"Dear Penthouse: I never thought this would happen to me..."

Hammie, everyone knows those letters are fake.

Annie told me.


There was a time when I could punch a hole in just about anything using that particular appendage...especially first thing in the morning.

*Waves @ Siouxie!!!*

males in a frenzied pursuit of sexual congress often blunder into and puncture the bodies of other males

Okay, once. In college. And they were both drunk.

So why doesn't the female have some sort of opening? Sort of o/t but my Priest said yesterday that the Irish always answer a question with a question and I don't think that's true do you Padraig? o/t

When EPA listed them as endangered species, they started making their comeback. Now they are everywhere!

nursecindy - now why would your priest say that?

Annie, do you think he's hinting that we ask him too many questions?

Cindy, they actually do. And male bugs don't use it. No one is sure why. C/O my bio classes.

What else do you expect when the female is so much against the act she doesn't even have the requisite anatomy. Would "Sexually Frustrated Bedbugs" BAGNFAnything?

layzeeboy, scott and hammand rye: snork!

Dad-O-Lot it wbagnf single women everywhere.

Barbie Bedbug; not anatomically correct.

If you experience a bedbug lasting more than four hours, call your entomologist.

I think I sent a similar article to Dave several months ago.

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