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August 08, 2010


From now on, no cheating while playing a game.

(Thanks to the Perts)


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So no professional soccer in Canada? And steroidal Alex Rodriguez must stay out of Toronto?

Organized crime in Canada? What is that - cheating at tiddlywinks and hopscotch?

Or sewer toss, Annie.

Annie, don't forget loaded curling stones, steroids for sweepers and salt-loading the bristles on the brooms.

You know I've never worried about us being invaded by Canada. Now I know why.

And my mom told me that when Grandpa cheated at checkers, it was "just cranky behavior because he was old." Now I realize Mom was aiding and abetting. Oh, no! We're a crime family! Later...

Strip Candy Land just won't be the same.


How many times do we have to apologize for invading and burning down Washington DC in 1814???

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