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May 24, 2010



(Thanks to Chuck Cody)


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Members of the gang also include Robert Dope, Barbara Horse, Jim Weed and Tom Crack.

I resent that remark!

-- Bill Blow

Hehehehehehehe..."Bruce"...hehehe...what a funny name...

George Ganja had no comment.

What about Peter Pepsi?

Coke will appear in court before Judge Rheinhold and be represented by Lucy Lawless...

Extradition -- It's the Real Thing!

Hank Snow would have made a country western song about him.

I'd like to teach the perp to sing,
about his felony.

His reefer keys are third degrees,
his blow there's a lot of.

I'd like to fly out Mr. Coke,
and keep him company (in federal prison).

I'd like to buy the man a cell,
furnished so spartanly . . .

If he wants a fair trial, he'll need a change of menu.

"You want lies with that?"

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I'm sorta curious as to how Melissa "Acapulco" Gold feels about all this stereotyping ...

Kingston and all of St. Andrews Parish have descended into chaos, now in a state of emergency, over this decision. Coke's armed gang has gone on a rampage and they attacked two police stations as of this morning, shooting two cops.

The Prime Minister made the right decsion, butt now has to stick with it, get rid of Coke, and wipe out his carbonated cabal.

What about his wife, Mari Juana?

I actually knew a woman who had been named Coke, but she was married before I met her.

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