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May 25, 2010


They are not our friends.


(Thanks to Steve @ Secret Location)


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So those are Jack Bauer squirrels. Dangerouss indeed.

Where is Moose?

While feeding the squirrels at the Mission one day, one missed and accidentally knocked the peanut out of my fingers. Instead, the whole first joint of my left forefinger went into her mouth.
I didn't have time for fear before I realized that I had felt her teeth literally shave the skin on my finger as she pushed that finger out. It could have been different but she never bit down.
One time, however, I quarantined a squirrel that a woman had made the mistake of grabbing. She needed surgery to repair the damage that rodent had done.

I don't know why people keep forgetting that squirrels are rodents. The rats and mice are probably still trying to figure out why their cousins keep getting all this free food.

Are things so bad now that we must seek help for bleeding fingers from Skwerl doctors?

"Bitey McNuttington, MD"

"Pull my finger."

"No, not with your teeth."

Dave got mentioned in the Comments. Obviously his reputation as an anti-squiller (Hmmm, idea for a new political movement?) is worldwide.


I'm looking at a bunch of squillers outside right now. Out for blood probably.
Meaning me, of course.

Maybe the squirrel is a nurse!

I liked the sign where they painted No Painting.

It's part of the new health care plan. I hear they put Rocky and Bullwinkle bandaids on your cuts.

Beware of Freckles reincarnation zone.

Squirrels are evil. They torment my two Afghan Hounds, then they climb a tree or phone pole and laugh at us. We can not climb up there. If we could we would and strangle them.

That's actually the # 7 at " Chez Squirrel ".

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