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May 24, 2010


Lying kids are smarter.

"Those who have better cognitive development lie better because they can cover up their tracks. They may make bankers in later life."

(Thanks to Don Faber)


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Well, duh! I knew that.

-- Bill Clinton

Maybe they just want you to THINK they are smarter...

...or lawyers...

My 21 month old grandson says that is totally true. And he says the cat ate the oreos.

"They may make bankers in later life."

(and the lawyers rejoice!)

Our small, reserve dog (Stewie) will deceive the larger one, Real Freaking Idiot, by going to the door and barking. Idiot will get excited and go bark, too. Meanwhile, Stewie will go occupy the prime seat that Idiot had been in.
I can't see a career coming out of it, though.

"I am not making this up," they all say.

Steve, I think I have the same dogs. Big dummy will go running for the window, little dummy doesn't want to miss anything. Big dummy heads for the kitchen while little dummy is still trying to figure out what big dummy was looking at.

I have never told a lie in my entire life. Sometimes they become nurses too.

My three yr old nephew tries to lie, but he's a smiler and gives himself away every time. Sometimes he's just brutally honest. I made him take a nap around two this afternoon (normally around 11). He was wiped, but didn't want to admit defeat. I laid down on the bed with him to "tickle" him to sleep. I said "I love you honey." He said "No you don't."

He was out in less than two minutes.

I once had a visiting professor lecture my psychology class. He said that the development of language facilitated lying. Before language, you could not show a thirsty person a dry hole and make him think it had water in it. However, with language, you could lie to him and tell him the water was there and he might believe it. More ammo for Mr. Language Person.

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