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May 19, 2010


Here's an extremely random interview I did on my book tour last week when I was in California. Wine may have been involved.


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Dave wrote a book?

He should go on tour to promote it.

I wonder where one can purchase this book.

Dave also did one for The Atlantic.

One too many interviews for Tiger Beat magazine will do that to a guy.

* wonders when dave will be on craig ferguson *

* *...was dave on craig ferguson??* *

omg lol that was so totally random...

Could we get the background noise turned up a bit? It's not nearly loud enough.

wino: we are not sure. i am in contact with the producer, who says he will tell me so i can blog it when they are having him on ;) i hope he does!

tasty stuff huh Dave!

Such clever camera work. Can a network job be far off.

Oh,yeah. I'd join Defacebook, too.

Nice interview. So does Dave carry copies of his book to all the parties he goes to?

LOL @ Defacebook!

Dave's next book: Dave Barry Totally Off-Kilter, which should appeal both to Craig Ferguson fans and fans of gravity.

I wish camera-persons would get it through their heads that it is NOT cool to tip the camera 90 degrees in either direction, like that.

Did anyone else turn their heads sideways when the camera tilted??

No?? hmm...neither did I.

Was that done in a cafeteria?

Dave Barry Tipping?

Siouxie, I turned my head sideways also.

Looked more like Dave Barry sipping.

I think you two handled that pretty well. The cameraman, not so much.

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