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May 21, 2010


Your nightmare is over.

(Thanks to Claire Martin)


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I guess he was charged.


Hopefully his lawyer and the prosecutor will reach an accord.

Critical empowerment.

They gave him a power strip search, now they really wanna socket to him & give him an extension in jail.

An important story. Please keep us current.

*zaps in*


*zaps out*

What a revolting crime. I'm sure he'll receive an ample sentence.

So he pulled the plug on the exhibit?

The thief put up no resistance when confronted, and his attorney re-fused to comment when his client was brought before the county circuit court for hearing.

Reached later by phone, the attorney asked "Wire there so many bad puns on this story?"

The words art and extension cord should never be used in the same sentence. What ever happened to people painting nice pictures of flowers or seascapes?

"Wire there so many bad puns on this story?"

shocking, ain't it?

I know a security guard named Serge. They could have used his protection.

(Have we got 'em all yet?)

Charles Rock was singularly phased.

Bad conduct, I'd say.

Hey, I was just trying to get a plug in for my friend Serge.

He was so turned on by the art works, that he was amped out of his mind. When arrested, he said, "Watts the problem, officers." His attorney will argue that his client is not the brightest bulb on the tree. He is lacking in capacitance. In fact, the whole case against him is revolting.

Robinson allegedly took a power cord from an art exhibit created by Dave McKenzie that in part includes more than two dozen boom boxes.

Maybe he was just a music lover.

Resistance is juiceless!

(Ohm-igod, I'm so sorry.....)

OYYYYYY. i'm trying not to laugh out loud.

Layzee, he'll probably receive a light sentence. He sounds a little dimwitted to me.

It'll only get dimmer in jail, he'll see:
His only outlet will be ac/dc.


i may have to meditate, because i am so charged. ohhhm.....

He'll be generating some static there, for sure.

...& he'll finally get plugged with that 'extension cord' he was after in the first place...

He'll receive quite a jolt.

The two are but a twisted-pair.

He's turning pro. Going on the thieves circuit.

They should steal something of hi. You know, give him a dose of his own Edison.

At least he didn't commit battery.

A wireless installation.

Perhaps the boycotting museum gets its power from Arizona.

Warning: this thread may be terminal.

*Dago twit*

He was tired after the chase, so they sent him to the Westinghouse.

Well, he would be facing the music, that's for Shure.

*snorks* all around - This sure generated a lot of fun!

^ sorry, meanie said that allready.

*electric failure*

True that tf8. Aspen's nightmare was over, then the unavoidable pun tsunami soon followed. Thanks everyone for the groans and snorks. Your capacitance for humor is appreciated.

glad you enjoyed the 'tpunami', Wv'power'plantman.

(...altho that sounds like something you'd find in a diaper)


I always get to these things waaaaay to late...


*Grabs judi and tony and begins to dance the "Electric Slide*


His life of crime intensified
So he got the electric chair,
& died.

He wasn't grounded enough as a child. His career in crime was short-circuited. The police used a three-pronged search pattern.

Geez, it won't end. Seems we're just incable of letting it go.

It's wire-to-wire coverage.

Induct him into the Power Rangers.

Ohm my God! I had better start keeping up with current events.

Power to the people!

I wonder if he takes the short buss to school?

"Watts in your lunch today, Siouxie?"
I'll give her AMPle time to respond. Besides, who could resister?

Stay tuned for more of this shocking story!

Very nice that we have an outlet for all this...

The theft was polarizing in Aspen. Tension was high. The curator of the exhibition had no outlet for his anxiety, and had to chant "ohm, ohm" to remain calm. A critic exclaimed "Mag-Neato" when she saw the art. The artist, energized by the attention, vowed to work like a dynamo to create new works, driving away in his classic 1936 Cord. The thief was subjected to a battery of psychological exams. The museum board went nuclear over the lack of security.

PB - electric eel, of course ;P

OK. MAKE. IT. STOP. Someone please pull the plug!!

Can anyone insulate us from further transmission of this dam foolish pun-ishment? I don't see much potential to stop this degradation, so I am griding myself for another pulse. But I hope we can terminate this soon, before the whole system comes crashing down and we all wind up unable to make the Net work.


( poof )


Going off the grid.

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