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May 31, 2010


...to our heroes past and present.

Here's a story about American servicepeople who never made it home.

(Thanks to nursecindy for the link.)


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"They took the spear, – but left the shield."

Thanks, Judi.

Here, here! To all who have served, my thanks.

My son is in the Coast Guard and he and his family are relocating to a new station. As they drive across country to get there, they stopped in Rapid City, S.D. at the La Quinta Hotel on Memorial Weekend - where he was DENIED his military discount. He was also denied his discount next door at the Fairfield Marriott. Evidently La Quinta and Marroitt prefer to honor capitalism over patriatism.

Thank you for the beautiful quotes and for posting the link, judi. I saw this cemetary daily when I lived there and I cannot believe it is not being kept up. When Clark AFB was there the tombstones were a pristine white and would put your eyes out when the sun was shining. There are no markers on the graves and when you stand there and look at it you get an overwhelming feeling of pride and sadness that so many gave their lives so we could be free.


Yes, Many Thanks ... and Welcome Home, wherever you may be resting ...

Last year we were reminded that the beach at Tarawa, site of one of the fiercest battles of the Pacific campaign in WWII, had become a garbage dump after years of neglect. Not much of a constituency remaining for that history, I guess.

Not to mention those who died in the Bataan Death March. A tank Battalion from Brainerd, MN lost alot of men in that...

Hard day for my Mom, who lost first husband in WWII. All they got was a telegram..

EB ... lotta Nodaks around where you and I live that have family who fought and died on Guadalcanal as part of the 164th, and then went on to help thru the rest of the Pacific Campaign, becuz by then they'd become "expert" @ jungle fighting techniques ... merely FYI ...

Thank you to those who sacrificed life, limb or loved one for our freedom, and to those who sacrifice in freedom's name today.

We do not forget you.

Many thanks to all who serve or have served this great country of ours, including my dad, who was part of D-Day, Mr. Ducky's dad, and Mr. Ducky himself. There are no words to express how much we owe to everyone in uniform.

Appropriate night for a silent clock.

God bless our heroes in uniform.

Ditto Renee the First.

Thank you and God Bless.

Thanks, nc, for the info on Clark Cemetery.

You're welcome NotSherly. I had the rare privilege of walking along part of the Bataan Death March on it's 30th anniversary in 1972. I was pretty young but I still remember how none of the older people spoke and many tears being shed.

That Lee Greenwood song always sends shivers down my spine.

Yet another reason I read this blog daily (even though I rarely post comments). Apart from the great humor, there's great heart. Thank you sincerely.

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