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May 22, 2010


Heart attack sufferers 'should be encouraged to have more sex'

(Thanks to Mark Buckley)


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I'll add some fuel to the fire. Sex is also necessary for good prostate health. This article also warns against overdoing it though. Blog guys show both of these article to your wives and tell them if they really cared about your health.....

I'd rather read a book or watch a movie than have sex with Larry King.

^...they'd keep 'reading'...

There is no downside; a. you don't die, b. you die in the most pleasant way possible.

"Elizabeth I'm coming to see you!"


^ i was finishing the nurse's advice.

*snork* @ horace
(too bad so many fools fall for larry king's 'snorting')

The likelihood of dying during sexual intercourse, even among people who have had a heart attack, is really small.

Unless you have sex with someone other than your significant other, that is.


Larry King's alive???

There is no downside; a. you don't die, b. you die in the most pleasant way possible.

Posted by: OC Dolphin | May 22, 2010 at 01:16 PM

Tell that to Megan Marshack, OC.

And Dave, thinking of Larry King is going to turn most people of whatever gender off having sex.

LOL don't let a heart attack stop ya. Sex is a healthy part of life. I wonder if Dr. Oz has said anything about it adding longevity to one's life. Hmmmm!

You have to play dumb again??

Maybe the ladies interpret Larry King as "making a Threatening gesture"?

Prof Stacy Tessler Lindau, who led the study, said fewer than 40 per cent of men and less than one in five women spoke about sex with their physicians in the year following their heart attack.

sex with their physicians?

so if larry king is getting back with wife #7, will he be having make-up sex or wake-up sex?


Jeff, that was exactly who prompted my thought. Nelson was one of those lucky guys who started AND ended... stiff:-)

What women really want. What is actually available to us single ladies. *Picks up Dave's new book to re-read*

cindy, believe me, that greasy pumped-up guy has a pecker the size of a walnut (if that).

I'd still rather have him than the other one.

"People perceive it might kill them. And it's not just the person with the heart attack, but also their partner," she told the conference.

Huh? Having a heart attack means we need to worry about our partner killing us, too? I'm confused.

Skeletons have sex ? Who knew ?

In the case of Larry King, it's inheritance sex.

I have always believed I am immortal and, so far, I've been right. However, in the unlikely event I were to die, I can't think of a more desirable time to do it.

nursecindy -- BLECH!

*runs for Austrian nun-administered vinegar eyewash*

You have to play dumb again?prostate massage

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