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May 21, 2010


And we still have no idea what happened.


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Great interview!

I shudder at how close we came to total world destruction, i.e. the return of Audrey.

Dave did 'Google' & 'Gaggle'!


Speaking as someone who lives "inside the beltway" let me just say that I don't miss my frackulator at all.

The Congress has ethics?

Great interview Dave. But, how do we know you are not a mole? Also, why does every interviewer have to post the interviewee's age?

Dave wrote a book?

"And you were all there, too! Auntie Chloe, and Uncle Edgar, and Mr. Handbag, and Mrs. Cleavage, and..."

Dave is getting more reflective? Does he need to be satin-glossed?

Or taken to the matte?

Could be hair loss too, Meanie butt..don't tell him that.

Another " exclusive " interview.

"And you were all there, too! Auntie Chloe, and Uncle Edgar, and Mr. Handbag, and Mrs. Cleavage, and..."

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