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May 21, 2010


LAS CRUCES - "I had no idea what I was getting into," Ernest "Gino" Jimenez said Thursday of his first rat-hoarding case in 14 years with Las Cruces animal control. "Never, and I hope to never see it again."

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)


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I always thought: the more, the merrier.

I used to say "I" and "me"
Now it's "us", now it's "we"

Neil Diamond

Eek. A James Herbert horror novel come to life...

Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

Poor rats....They are actually quite clean as pets. Of course thousands of them probably aren't as clean.

"She had a son and grandkids, but I haven't seen them in five, six months, probably because ....."

*Cue ominous music*

You dirty ra--

Ah, Meanie. I see I'm not the only one who read it that way.


More pythons!

Woman: Well there's rat cake ... rat sorbet... rat pudding... or strawberry tart.
Man: Strawberry tart?!
Woman: Well it's got some rat in it.
Man: How much?
Woman: Three, rather a lot really.
Man: ... well, I'll have a slice without so much rat in it.

I think one of them escaped and can be found lobbying scurrying around the White House.


oh rats. motw posted that python bit before i had a chance to.... teehee

Notice they did not say the rats were underfed, Spiny.

"It is a horrible situation," she said. "Rats have feelings and rats have pain receptors. It's a mammal, so they have all the same feelings and sensations...

...Anyone who is interested in taking one or two of the rats - as pets or for reptile food."

176 Red-Eyed Albino Rats WBAGNFARB or a DIsney cartoon.

Cases like this are always bizarre. It can be a total nightmare for the neighbors.


romeo - sick story... its not like anyone really NEEDS to save rat lives...

Ah make a mean weed rat stew - -

Is hamster!

Amazingly, they all have law degrees.

Hey now . . .

I used to the be the rat (and dog) lawyer for the District of Columbia (really - and feel free to submit your own jokes here), but I never saw anything like that.

I shall call him Basil ...

I found this was the key paragraph :

But while the Animal Service Center of the Mesilla Valley was planning on beginning euthanizing the rodents Thursday night, they're now in talks with large-reptile rescue organizations from Albuquerque and Los Lunas, which may be able to take the rats for food.

Has anyone noticed that PETA has not announced a "Save the Rats" campaign? All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

Is not "rats"! Is filigreed Siberian hamsters!

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