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May 24, 2010


We have virtually no fundamental rights left.

(Thanks to RussellMc, Robert Huntington, B'game and Janice Gelb)


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Well, ok then. *Puts chicken suit in closet, takes out speedo, gold lame' cape, top hat, and swim fins*

hilarious. just wait until we have to pay our bills with pounds of chicken!

"I'm not a chicken; I'm just a loud-mouth Schmuck".

Telling them to cluck off.

What is this country coming to?!?
It's a well known fact (that I just made up) that several of our Founding Fathers were dressed in chicken suits when they signed the Declaration of Independence.

Alternate headline: Voters Run A-fowl of the Law.

Calling Peter Griffin. Mr. Peter Griffin, please report to Nevada.
Question: What is the environment in or near one of those costumes in Nevada in late May?

There is an APB out on Ted Giannoulas.

So they oppose a bi-partisan voter who has interests in both right and left wing issues?!

Pigs. People also used to barter with pigs. They didn't say nuthin' about wearing a pig costume.

Fortunately they didn't ban long-tailed little rodent costumes, which means a certain Senator will be free to vote for himself for re-election.

This is a dark meat day in the history of this once-proud nation.

They were hoping for a pullet surprise.

(Someone had to say it.)

I'd love to barter chickens for my Blue Cross insurance, but they don't seem to have that option in their online payment system. Maybe the Republicans can amend Obamacare to require the acceptance of poultry in motion.

But can you vote with gloves on, like so many French wanted to do in the Chirac-Le Pen runoff?

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