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May 21, 2010


Land of Diversity


(Thanks to Onterrible, Jeff Meyerson and Siouxie, who says, "Edgar, eh?")


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That's not Edgar. That's Audrey.

Now that you mention it, Steve...

With eyes like that he really should be wearing sunglasses.

Don't go swimming in that lake.

It has Donald Trump's hair.

It has sideburns...


Ugliest. Beaver. EVER.

Chupacabra in
Kitchenuhmaykoosib, eh?
Say it five times fast

*SMACKS* tf8! I trusted you!!!

I think I used to be married to it.

*SMACKS* trustf8.

♫ Kitchen-uh-may-koosib-Chupacabra-alidocious
Even tho the looks of it are something quite atrocious:
Edgar? Audry? Donald Trump? or even Manilow-shish!
KitchenuhmaykoosibChupacabra-alidocious! ♫

This Edgar, Siouxie?

LOL nice one, tf8! almost makes up for the Manilow-shish linkage.

No wonder this animal is extinct. There's probably not even one member of its own species that would willfully wish to procreate with it.

*Spoonful of Snorks @ tf8*

that is truly the ugliest... uck

And the so-called Homeland Security Agency does nothing.

*snork* @ trustf8!

Reminds me of that joke about how Ghandi was a super-callused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.

Are they promoting Kitchenuhmaykoosib Monster tours? The only practical way to get there now is by plane, and the community is part owner of Wasaya Airways. This sounds like PR stunt; let's see how many reporters take the bait. I hope they bring lots of insect repellant, or we'll be seeing more stories about vampires.

Donald Trump has its hair. There otter be a law.

It's definitely Man-Bear-Pig. I'm super cereal.

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