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March 12, 2010


Men do more housework than women think, according to men.

(Thanks to catmanmax)


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clearly delusional.

yes, last night after we BOTH got home from work, my husband cooked dinner, did 2 loads of laundry, fed the pets, and cleaned the kitchen. NOT. (eye roll)


Could someone hand me the remote?

*SMACKS* Meanie with the remote. Yes, dear.

Scratching your private parts and saying to your kids, "Pull Daddy's finger." is NOT house work.

*Is glad to learn men "don't make a fuss"*

*snork* @ mikey.

My house works because I'm the only one living in it, so I have to fix it.

The maid may show up for her annual visit from 2 - 3 a.m. this Sunday.

The 'Dove' scientists forgot to mention how much time the women spend asking the men to take out the trash. My Son in law will take the can to the curb. Then when he comes back in the house my daughter asks him what they got in the mail which of course he didn't check even though he has to walk around the mailbox to get the can to the curb. However, I will admit I think men do more than they're given credit for.

My wife will gladly admit that I do way more housework than she does. And now that she has a radial head fracture (WBAGNFARB), I'll be doing even more.

I'm afraid to ask . . .

for Meanie and Siouxie

Braniff ouch! Tell your wife to keep her arm up on a pillow and also you should give her backrubs every 2 hours. I know it's an arm problem but still, it will make her feel better. I hope she feels better, and heals, very soon.

She was in a cast from the ER, but the orthopedic doctor this week took it off and wants nothing on the arm. My wife actually preferred the cast in a way because it gave her some support and protection. Now it hurts when it just hangs loosely and she's terrified she's going to bang it into something and make it worse.

Braniff, how about a sling when she's up moving around? It will keep her arm close and she is less likely to bump it. It will also give her arm some support.

I have TRIED to take out the rubbish. I've looked in every room and under all the furniture but all I can find is all that trash!

NC: Thanks. Yes, she does have a sling and she's been wearing it most of the time. It certainly helps.

I read "radial head fracture" and figured she broke her head. What? I'm a computer person, not a medic. I hope she feels better soon!

I thought maybe the head was broken around the rim, which would constitute a disaster.

Always the conflict with housework. You do it your way, but I prefer a chainsaw. Just watch the damn race, OK.

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