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February 23, 2010


Geek Squad.

(Thanks to Leslie Dyer)


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Lousy writing. Was the relationship consumated before he flashed the badge?

Or was it just fortranplay?

Tonight on a very special episode of "Chuck"...

Exactly, Steve. Maybe I'd watch it then.

Hey, you know these geeks use their brains....

Bet he tried to impress her with his extennnnnded warranty.

Probably said he was going to expand his RAM

I'm trying to think of something to say that includes the words, 'hard drive'. How do you call the police to report that you were stiffed after you performed a service?

I think she was stiffed DURING the service.

Typical Geek Squad incompetence.

She thougght he was from the Greek squad. That costs extra, ya know.

Was it the York Motel (infamous for its sign that read "Love Thy Neighbor....Here")? Oh wait, that's on Route 3.

Cindy, if you have the software, I have the hardware...

No floppy disc, Allen?

Bring back Nerds.

Geek Academy. Steve Gutenberg's next movie.

Well, if you don't get paid it's not prostitution. If you don't get dinner, it's not even a date. If he hadn't flashed a fake badge, he would have been home free.

*SMACKS* Allen while blushing.

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