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February 25, 2010


A New Cumberland man was charged with driving under the influence and other charges after Carroll Township police spotted him driving on a highway without a wheel on the front of his car.

(Thanks to nursecindy)

UPDATE: Another strong example here.

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)


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Wheels are for people who don't know how to drive.

He must have left his wheel in the bar. I hate when I do that.

So both he and his car were tipsy?

Meanie, do you also hate it when you leave your hose dangling?

There are an awful lot of forgetful drivers out there. I was hoping Jeff's link would be about someone driving with an extra wheel on the front of their car. It would have explained a lot.

If only, cindy. That would have been great.

Only if it goes unattended.

cant get anything past those crack police dudes....

He was heard singing, "Jesus take the wheel..." as he stumbled out of the bar, and a couple guys sitting near him, Jesus and his friend Luis, decided to take him up on the offer. They'd have taken all 4 wheels, but the dude was able to get his key in the ignition faster than they thought possible.

if you don't like the way I drive, stay off the friggin' side walk!!!

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