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February 23, 2010


The fun never stops.

(Thanks to Amy Drees, Baron vonKlyff, Patrick Groulx and Katie in FL)


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Even funnier than the story, check out some of the links below that story...hilarious. What in the world is going on in Toledo????

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Attempted robbery turns fatal in North Toledo
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Latest Olympic News: WNWO OlympicZone

Hey Jude the pizza's bad
But a gun won't make it taste better
Remember: Chuckee Cheese smells like farts
(They should start to make it smell better.)

I wonder what happens at Toledo Mud Hens games

Any accused criminal need only plead "Chuck E. Cheese", and will receive instant dismissal of the charges.

The sentence should be to work at a Chuckie's.

"What do you do?"
"I'm a bouncer at Chuckie Cheese."

Help wanted: Waiter for local pizza chain. Iraqi war vet preferred.

"Freckles & Dreds" WBAGNFA ska B

Hey, working at Chuck E.'s is nearly as dangerous as 7-11 nighttime clerk!

It's becoming increasingly clear that Chuck E. Cheese is no place to bring kids...

I would love to visit Chuck E Cheese. It is going to be on my places to go when i visit the US

I took my son and nieces to Chuck E Cheese once they had a great time myself not as much the whole place does smell like farts and as a adult don't crawl through the tubes with the kids smells like butt and dirty socks I was behind a little girl trying to locate my son and nieces when the girl let out a fart practically in my face oh my god it stunk but before we left I smelled several more farts doesn't even seem to phase any of the kids there are farts all over this place be prepared to plug your nose a few times if you go to one lol

Chuck E. Cheese does smell like farts I suppose when you get all those kids together in one place there is going to be farts

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