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February 23, 2010


(Thanks to Ralph)


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Looks quite nippy, don't it?

Doesn't look like a dangerous snake, though...

Doh! Wrong page!!

I'm quite surprised that no one is sledding on an inflatable doll!

I wonder what's distracting jon.

I'm sure it's not the slideshow.

I was going to send this in but figured it would be too risque for the blog and may embarrass Dave and some of the blog guys. btw, Dave and the Blog Guys wbagnfarb. Why do I get the feeling all the blog guys are wiping drool off their keyboards. This is for the blog ladies. Here's another one for the blog guys. I'm feeling generous today.

Hey, truth in advertising, people! They are not close (at least not close enough) to being naked.

The one I sent it more properly called it topless toboganning.

The moguls must have been brutal for some and a delight for others.

Is it true no two areolae are exactly alike?

That is true Steve. It is also true, and men need to know this, that ____ is not 6 inches. iycmd.

*SMACKS* Jeff with Steve's oreolas...


I can't see the link, Steve...butt...that was a intentional typo ;P

an (however ^that^ was not)

My, they look perky.

I'm willing to bet there was some serious shrinkage going on.

Airy oles?

nursecindy and her foot fetish . . .

I am not a bit cold now.

My bet is on number 27 :)

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