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February 24, 2010


(Thanks to The Perts)


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They are going to tax those poor Canadian strippers right out of a job!

Tax Push Up Pads Bill, Economy Goes Bust!

Shouldn't they also insTITute a Flat Tax?

No Taxation Without Augmentation!

What a sweet name for a tax: "Harmonized Sales Tax". Who could NOT be in favor of "Harmony"?... (Which, BTW, is a great stripper name.)

Don't tax you.
Don't tax me.
Tax those boobs -- they're triple-D!

Great. Now they'll ALL be coming to the US for boob jobs.

Doctor: "We're going to have to add tax to your boobs."

Blonde: "Tacks?? I thought you sewed them in."

I wonder how many of the blog guys got past the picture to read the article. Guys, if you slide your eyes to the right of that picture you will notice there is an actual article. Trust me.

If they're going to be taxed, can you take depreciation on them as you age?

You know they're gonna call it the "botax".

Tactful, Layzee.

bon, as a tax professional I will say that, when the assets hit the knees, it's time to depreciate.

I volunteer for audtitor!

Tit for tax?

Canadian democracy has come down to the choice between big boobs or big government.

They're founding Monarchs cannot be pleased.

They probably won't be calling it a "flat" tax.

Can you take deduction for a reduction?

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