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January 28, 2010


Now: bagels.

(Thanks to Siouxie)


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"There's no immediate word on who burned the bagel in the toaster oven or what type of bagel it was."

Inspector Closeau: "The burning kind"

I've had beans empty a room before.

*sets out platter of assorted burnt bagels, cream cheese, jellies*

If they were worried about terrorism, why didn't they go into a loxdown?

Have they searched everybody for cream cheese?

*picks up burnt bagel, fans it toward smoke detector, waits for firefighters*

There's no immediate word on who burned the bagel, but police have a person in custody suspected of cutting the cheese.

*groans at Meanie*

I saw Burning Bagel open for Carole King.

They weren't that bad.

(Mayor) Sam Adams - brewer, patriot, bagel-lover.

This is why the public should just drive by Krispy Kreme in an orderly manner...Don't try these dangerous "cooking" stunts at home.

Say this five times....bumbling burning bagel brouhaha

Someone was waiting for the toaster oven to pop up.

Schmear tactics!

*snorks* @ mtb!

Thank goodness nobody had burned popcorn in the microwave. They would have called out the National Guard.

That can't be the hole story. Those terrorists are natural bread killers.

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